What is Nirvana?

Nirvâna (Sk.) According to the Orientalists, the entire “blowing out”, like the flame of a candle, the utter extinction of existence. But in the esoteric explanations it is the state of absolute existence and absolute consciousness, into which the Ego of a man who has reached the highest degree of perfection and holiness during life goes, after the body dies, and occasionally, as in the case of Gautama Buddha and others, during life.

What is nirvana

[Absorption, fusion, dissolution, extinction, annihilation, liberation; bliss or eternal bliss, abstract spiritual existence; annihilation of the conditions of individual existence; extinction, fusion or complete absorption of "I" (or individual Spirit) in the universal Spirit, of which "I" is a part. –Once the evolution in this world is over,  exhausted all experiences and achieved the full perfection of the human being, the individual Spirit, or inner self, entirely free forever from all the obstacles of matter, returns to its point of origin, abyssing and melting in the universal Spirit, like a drop of water in the immense ocean. In that fusion the human personality is completely annihilated,  with all his courtship of illusions, attachments, desires, passions and pains; but not individuality; the man stops  to exist as a man, to exist as God in a state of conscious rest of Omniscence, in a perpetual condition of ineffable and absolute bliss. "In this blessed Nothing likes the soul divine peace," according to the great mystic S. Juan de la Cruz. Abyssing in the divine Spirit - says Brihadarânyaka - is like throwing a lump of salt in the sea; it dissolves in the water (from which it had been extracted), without it being able to be removed again. The Nirvâna voice is synonymous with Mokcha. - Do not be confused with Svarga or Devachan. –See: Nirvâni and Paranirvâna.] (G.T. H.P.B.)

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