What is a Master in Occultism?

Translation of the Sanskrit voice Guru, “Spiritual Instructor”, adopted by the theosophists to designate the Adepts, from those who have received their teachings. (Glossary of the Key of Theosophy). –The Masters are certain great Beings,  belonging to our race, which have completed their human evolution and constitute the Fraternity of the White Lodge, whose purpose is to activate and direct the development of the race. These great Beings willingly incarnate in humans bodies  in order to form a bond between humanity and superhuman beings, and allow those who gather certain  conditions of virtue, purity, devotion and selfless work for the good of the human species, become his disciples, in order to accelerate its evolution and prepare to enter the great Fraternity, cooperating in the glorious and beneficial work for the benefit of man. (A. Besant, Sabid. Antig., 388-9). –See: Mahâtmâ. (G.T. H.P.B.)

What is a Master in Occultism

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